Mystery Shape using Linear Relations

The following lines on a cartesian plane make the outline of a shape:

(0,4) to (3,3)
(3,3) to (4,0)
(4.0) to (3,-3)
(3,-3) to (0,-4)
(0,-4) to (-3,-3)
(-3,-3) to (-4,0)
(-4,0) to (-3,3)
(-3,3) to (0,4)

1) Find the gradient of each line.

2) Find the y intercept if not known

3) Find the length of each line. (Are all the lengths the same? Shortcuts are allowed.)

4) Which lines are parallel and which are perpendicular

5) For each line, find the midpoint and find the equation for the line that is perpendicular.

6) For each of the perpendicular lines found, identify the y intercept.

7) What type of shape is outlined by the original lines?

Stretch question:

Is this the ‘regular’ version of the shape? If not, what would be required to convert it to the regular version.