Highway Maker

This is my first mod, that I made a couple of years ago. It requires Minecraft Java version 1.11. It started off when I wanted to give players on my realms server fast access to other parts of the map. Eventually it became a project in its own right. It allows players to create high speed highways travelling to any of the four points of the compass.

Since it uses the clone command a lot, it installs

in a fixed location. A lot of the commands are repeated in each highway orientation so it requires 5 command block installs and makes a setup “booth” during installation to help with this.

I strongly recommend running the first command block while in sight of the coordinate x=0, z=0. Otherwise it tries to transfer itself and the player and doesn’t always succeed. After that, the setup process should be fairly straightforward and maybe even a bit fun! Use the links in the signs above the command blocks in the setup booth to find the text to put in the command blocks.

The first command block installs a setup booth with a chest that contains detailed instructions. Have fun and let me know if you would like me to update it to the latest MC version!

The Part A installer is here! Install this by itself and follow the instructions to install the other parts.

Here are the direct links to Part B, Part C, Part D and Part E.